Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My New HV20

I haven't gotten it yet... but it's in the post. tell me it's in Portlaoise Mail Centre... I should definitely have it by tomorrow so.

I've been wondering what to buy as a second camera to shoot with my XH-A1 and I'v eben looking at the full range of AVCHD and HDV cameras - well by full range I mean anything made by Panasonic or Canon!

AVCHD really seems to be the way to go - even a "full HD" HDV format wouldn't sway me. The reason I went with HDV this time round is because I haven't the facilities to work with AVCHD just yet. The new (completely new!) iMove can work with it, but that came out the day after I bought the HV20!

I'm not sure if iMovie works natively in AVCHD or if it transcodes the footage to AIC on import - just as it does with HDV. It would be handy if it did transcode the footage, because you could very easily work with AVCHD and HDV in the same project - unless you are using FCP6 where you can have differently encoded clips on the one timeline.... But I only have FCP5.

Over the next few days I'm going to be playing around with the camera and I'll post my thoughts on mixing HV20 footage with footage captured by the XH-A1.

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