Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dear Mr. Steve Jobs,

If by chance you read this, I want you to know that I have money sitting in the bank with your name on it. In fact, I have been considering getting my pay cheques made out to Apple from now on - It would save me the bother.
Do you think you can find it in your heart to release Leopard and the Mac Pros with the H.264 chip, BlueRay and HDDVD RW drives, along with the much rumored Final Cut Extreme in the near future? My iMac can't handle HDV footage and I'm waiting to buy a Canon XH-A1 so I can shoot this TV pilot a few of us are working on. RTÉ need submissions in by August and unless we get shooting soon we won't make the deadline.

All the best,
Alan Slattery

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