Monday, March 26, 2007

Things That Annoy Me: About Email

So what is the point in having 27 different email addreses. As I see it, you need 2 or three email address at most - one for work, one for personal email, and one more for...... something else....!?! What's with these people who have a gmail account, an MSN account to talk to that one person who still uses Messenger, a Yahoo! account, an O2 account, a account.............. How can your friends keep up with all that?!? Maybe you want to have an email address that you use for singing up to sites when you don't want them to have your real email address, that's understandable.

As well as annoying me, when you have all these different email addresses you are taking up login names that someone else might want but they can't have them cause you have it all locked up - and you're not even using it!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dear Mr. Steve Jobs,

If by chance you read this, I want you to know that I have money sitting in the bank with your name on it. In fact, I have been considering getting my pay cheques made out to Apple from now on - It would save me the bother.
Do you think you can find it in your heart to release Leopard and the Mac Pros with the H.264 chip, BlueRay and HDDVD RW drives, along with the much rumored Final Cut Extreme in the near future? My iMac can't handle HDV footage and I'm waiting to buy a Canon XH-A1 so I can shoot this TV pilot a few of us are working on. RTÉ need submissions in by August and unless we get shooting soon we won't make the deadline.

All the best,
Alan Slattery

Still Waiting

I've been waiting for the latest OS X release, OS X.5 Leopard, from
Apple for so long now that I'm starting to believe that I'll never see it at this stage.

I thought that I'd be able to buy my Mac Pro in January, but instead I got a promise of the iPhone. I'm was holding out until NAB in April, but apparently all we're getting then in the latest installment of Final Cut Studio. Now I really want the new Final Cut, but it's not much good to me until I get me new mac. Next we pushed back to the WWDC in June. But now I hear we'll have to wait until October! What the fuck!

Friday, March 23, 2007

About Me

I don't think I've ever read a blog before, now that's not to say that I've never been to a blog before, I just never read one. I'm not sure why I even decided to start a blog... But here it is, and it's all about me!

I'm from Kilkenny in Ireland, and I work for an animation studio here called The Cartoon Saloon. We're currently working on an animated TV series called Skunk Fu! (The "!" is part of the name, just in case you think I'm over using my exclamation points!). I'm the editor.

I started editing video when I was 14, cut a TV feature for Channel 4 and RTÉ when I was sixteen. Went to university in the UK when I was 20 to study media production, taught in the Young Irish Film Makers from 2003 when I graduated, and started working full-time for the Saloon last March..... big breath.....

Check out my website -